health One Men 50+

health One Men 50+

90 Tablets

Aging requires you to pay attention to specific vitamins to keep you healthy. As a man, certain vitamins can be especially beneficial for improving blood flow and reducing bone loss. Vitamin A: Promotes bone growth, healthy skin and better vision, more specifically, night vision. Vitamin A is also important in supporting the immune system. B Vitamins: B vitamins play an essential role in helping you maintain your energy throughout the day. They are also heavily involved in forming red blood cells. More specifically, Vitamin B12 helps the immune system to function properly, Niacinamide provides support in tissue formation, and Riboflavin maintains normal metabolism of iron. Vitamin D: While osteoporosis, or brittle bones, is more prevalent in women, men have a greater risk of developing the disorder with age. Vitamin D keeps your bones strong by allowing your body to absorb calcium. Additionally, vitamin D regulates your immune system. Vitamin C: Vitamin C has many health benefits for men over 50 years of age. This essential vitamin is essential for bone, teeth and gum development and maintenance. Vitamin C is also involved in wound healing and connective tissue formation. It also plays a role in immune function. Similar to Vitamin E, as an antioxidant, Vitamin C helps fight cell damage caused by free radicals.