hydrasense Baby Nasal Care Ultra Gentle Mist
  • hydrasense Baby Nasal Care Ultra Gentle Mist

hydrasense Baby Nasal Care Ultra Gentle Mist

100 mL Spray
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hydraSense® Ultra-Gentle Mist with comfort tip specially designed for use in the nostrils of young babies. Try this product if your baby is having trouble breathing because of dry or obstructed nasal passages due to a cold or nasal congestion.
  • Helps reduce and relieve nasal cold symptoms and nasal congestion
  • Facilitates better breathing
  • Non-medicated solution without chemical additives
  • Sterile, saline solution and free of any medications or preservatives
  • Comfort tip features a nozzle specifically-designed for use in the nostrils of young babies
*Note: For infants under 6 months, please ask pediatrician before use