CanesBalance® Soft Vaginal Tablets’ formula is clinically shown to treat the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.
It helps relieve unpleasant odour and abnormal vaginal discharge. The effective treatment has the triple benefit of restoring vaginal pH balance, relieving symptoms and supporting the growth of protective lactic acid bacteria.
You can apply the convenient and easy-to-use format of CanesBalance® Soft Vaginal Tablets before bedtime.
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after using CanesBalance. Treatment: For effective relief from the symptoms of BV such as unpleasant odour and abnormal discharge, use one vaginal tablet daily for seven days. Step 1: Remove 1 soft vaginal tablet from the foil wrapper and place in the applicator. The soft vaginal tablet should not be divided as it is intended for single use. Step 2: Gently insert applicator with the soft vaginal tablet deeply into vagina and push the plunger forward on the applicator so that the soft vaginal tablet is released.? Stop the insertion if you feel any pain or discomfort. Step 3: ? Gently remove applicator from vagina and wash it thoroughly under running, warm water.