health One Multivitamins and Multiminerals for Adults 50+

health One Multivitamins and Multiminerals for Adults 50+

100 Tablets
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As you age, your body needs fewer calories than it did when you were a young adult. Ingesting fewer calories can make adequate nutrient intake a challenge. Due to its beneficial effects, vitamin D has seen more and more use over the years. In the body, vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium from the gut and is essential for strong, healthy bones. Calcium, in combination with Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a condition that makes your bones brittle and more prone to breaking. Iron is an important mineral found in red blood cells. Iron deficiency may lead to anemia. A common symptom of anemia is fatigue. When people get older, they may not consume enough iron in their diets, or their bodies absorb less iron. Therefore, an adequate iron intake helps to form red blood cells and ensure their proper function, which in turn may help to prevent anemia. Multivitamins and minerals for Adults 50+ contains essential vitamins and minerals needed by seniors to maintain good health, eyesight, skin ,membranes, immune function and proper muscle function.