Webber Naturals Calcium Carbonate Tablets

Webber Naturals Calcium Carbonate Tablets

500 mg, 250 Tablets

Calcium is needed to form strong bones and teeth, healthy gums, and maintain regular heart beat and nerve impulse transmission. An excellent supplement for young people and people with healthy digestive systems. Calcium is a key nutrient in thousands of bodily functions as well as for maintaining the strength of our bones and teeth. Calcium is especially important for protecting bone density and sufficient intake early in life may help prevent bone deterioration connected with aging, including bone fractures due to osteoporosis. This product supplies 500 mg of elemental calcium from 1300 mg calcium carbonate, the most common form of naturally occurring calcium. Calcium carbonate requires stomach acid to dissolve it in the stomach. Many older men, and postmenopausal women, develop a natural age-related reduction in gastric acid secretion. To ensure adequate calcium absorption, calcium carbonate should be taken with meal.

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