Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition affecting many older men. Cell proliferation enlarges the prostate gland, putting pressure on the urethra, causing weak urine flow, incomplete voiding, and frequent urination. BPH is also considered a risk factor for prostate cancer. Saw palmetto extract (Serenoa repens), is a traditional herbal to support prostate health and prevent BPH. Saw palmetto inhibits the release of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a metabolite of testosterone that increases cell proliferation. Webber naturals Saw Palmetto extract contains 85 to 95% fatty acids and sterols, the gold standard for actives, delivering a high potency, effective extract. There are virtually no side effects or drug interactions associated with saw palmetto. Other key nutrients also support the prostate. Zinc depletion is a primary risk factor for BPH. Lycopene, a carotenoid from tomato and pumpkin seeds and their oil also counter BPH. Super Prostate, Extra Strength from Webber naturals contains standardized saw palmetto extract, zinc, lycopene, and pumpkin seed oil. Men suffering from the symptoms of prostate enlargement should consult their physician to rule out cancer before self-treating.